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To promote in advance the science and profession of engineering in any or all its disciplines and to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas related to engineering


Sarawak Branch Activities

The Branch has over the years regularly organized various activities such as:

  • Technical visits
  • Courses
  • Social Activities
  • Charity & Fund Raising
  • Engineering Awards
  • Conventions
  • Publications
  • Professional Interview

Technical visits

The Branch had organized visits to factories such as Komag, First Silicon, Premix Plant, Polyflow Pipes, CMS Steel, Kim Hin, KKB Engineering, Specast Industries etc. Technical visits are also organized for members visit project sites and factories so that members can observe first-hand engineering applications. Meetings with engineering associations of other countries are also held regularly. Social gatherings such as dinners, golf competitions and welfare activities are planned for the benefit of members.



The courses organized are mainly engineering courses, management courses, ICT related courses to update its members the latest development and knowledge relating to engineering. In line with the Continuing Professional Development requirement which is expected to be implemented in 2005, a CPD standing committee has been formed to look into awarding CPD points for courses we organize in future.


Educational & Social Activities

Annual dinners and games are held every year to foster closer relation among members. The Branch has also organized or participated in Inter-professional games to network with other professionals in the region. To add to the variety of our programs, there were activities such as Treasure Hunt and Engineers' Run etc. A long list of educational activities such as in-house technical and management talks, conferences and seminars in and outside the country are conducted for members at nominal charges.

  • Engineer's Week

The Standing Committee on Welfare and Services Matters of IEM organises the Engineering Week on a yearly basis nation-wide.

  • IEM Engineering Career Advisors

The programme seeks to encourage professional engineers who are members of IEM to conduct talks, disseminate informatin on engineering and participate and advise science societies of schools on engineering-related projects to schools all over Malaysia.


Charity and Fund Raising

The Branch takes part in charity sales organized by charity organizations such as Lioness, Red Crescent etc. or contributes directly to organizations such as Home for the Aged, Kidney Dialysis Centre, Cheshire Home etc .


Engineering Awards

To encourage engineering study, awards are given away to engineering students who excel in their studies.



Sarawak Branch had hosted or co-organized major international engineering events such as: 2002 World Engineering Congress held from 22-25 July 2002 and Engineering in Sarawak in the Last Century and for the Next Decade held from 16 to 17 May 2000.



To record the history of engineering in Sarawak for the last century, the Institution of Engineers Malaysia, Sarawak Branch, led by the late Ir. Peter Chong Chung Ping, the then Chairman, had successfully published a book entitled “From Bamboo to Broadband”. The book serves as a good reference book for all those who have interest in engineering progress and achievement occurred in Sarawak.

The IEM publishes monthly bulletin, Jurutera and a quarterly technical Journal. These publications feature articles on infrastructure projects, engineering developments and the lastest on-goings in the Institution is distributed to members in addition to highlights on academic research and findings.

Professional Interviews

Professional Interviews are conducted regularly throughout the country for members aspiring to attain PE status. In addition, Professional Interview Workshops are conducted at branches, universities and private organizations to inform students and qualifieed professional of the interviews procedure.