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Benefits of Joining


The IEM organises many courses, seminars, talks and visits, which are of interest to the engineering profession (of technical nature) as well as to the development and well-being of engineers (non-technical).

Through technical activities, the IEM Member gets the opportunity to enhance his/her technical knowledge and skills as an engineer. This is important for their development as professionals; and essential for the progress and promotion of the profession as a whole.

Whilst most people would be more familiar with the technical activities of IEM, some may question the need and rationale for non-technical ones. Non-technical activities include social activities during the weekends, talks and courses/workshops on personal development, investment and health, and visits to places of interest e.g. the Firefly Park at Kuala Selangor. IEM also organises community service projects. All these activities provide the avenue for interaction among members, senior and junior alike; it is one of the ways for IEM Members to network, socialise and be exposed to the outside world. The Member gets to meet engineers of all disciplines, from various sectors, of all levels and age, and from all over the world, for activities of the IEM are not confined to Malaysia or Asia alone. These are means of developing a broader outlook, honing your communication and social skills.

The IEM Member can also participate more actively in the Institution by giving his/her time and energy to organising the above-mentioned activities, and play a role in issues of concern to engineers by giving opinions and be proactive in effecting positive changes for the good of the engineering profession in the country. The various Committees and Sub-committees in the IEM will always welcome such participation, commitment, and enthusiasm from its members. The basic criteria is to be sincerely committed to the betterment of the Institution, and subscribing to the basic noble values of excellence, creativity and professionalism. Of course, IEM needs people with a sincere voluntary spirit. If the engineer satisfies these values, be a Committee or Sub-committee Member! By participating actively in the running of the Institution too, the Member could train themselves in leadership and management skills, apart from the non-technical skills mentioned above.

As members, one would be informed regularly of the events and upcoming activities of the IEM through the monthly bulletin, the Jurutera, for which one pay only a nominal subscription fee annually. There is also the IEM e-community that a Member can be part of.

Members also enjoy cheaper rates should there be any charge for the activities organised by the IEM.

In short, no matter what level of participation the Member chooses to be at, the IEM provides them with a myriad of avenues to better themselves. So, do be a member so that one can be part of the IEM family! One should be all the more keen to be an IEM Member because this is the place for engineers, and the IEM is THE organisation which protects and looks after the rights and welfare of engineers.

  • Gain recognition for engineering experience and professional accomplishments.
  • Get assessed on proficiency to qualify for registration as a Professional Engineer.
  • Access to a wide network of fellow engineers in the private and public sectors in Malaysia as well as regional and international engineering bodies.
  • Advance professional development by attending regurlarly organised in-house talks, external conference and site visits.Keep abreast with engineering development via readership of IEM Journals and Bulletins.
  • Formal recognition of your profession.Provides an avenue for networking with other engineers outside your company and also an opportunity to meet industry leaders.
  • Corporate members of IEM are accepted for registration as a professional engineer with the Board of Engineers Malaysia.
  • Provide participation in continuing education through seminars, workshops, conferences, talks, forums, courses, etc.
  • A strong secretariat to support needs of members and provide guidance.Receive monthly and quarterly publications.
  • Access to a well equipped library.Linked to the internet and access to the information superhighway, via internet.
  • Establish relationship with other professional bodies concerning matters of mutual interest.
  • Opportunity to be sponsored by IEM to present papers in national and/or international conferences.